SQLite in one click

Simple and reliable SQLite database server in few seconds. One click away from focusing on your great ideas. No credit card, no installation, no configuration, no maintenance. We’ll do all the heavy lifting.

  1. Click on Run button
  2. Wait for few seconds
  3. Use
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Run your server


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Why pick SQLite for your project?

SQLite is a software library that provides a relational database management system. It is a self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, and transactional SQL database engine designed for embedded systems and applications that require minimal setup and administration. It’s lightweight and simple to use, making it an excellent choice for small projects, and it doesn't require a separate server to run. SQLite is known for its reliability, portability, and performance.

Handy apps for SQLite

SQLite doesn't fit?

Look at our ready-made database servers.


See it in action.

Learn how to quickly and easily Run SQLite.

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Run your server


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